A big fan of this franchise, so who else is a fan?
so rry dont wanted to write much at the moment I wanna sleep lol , so will edit my post tomorrow but you can have your reply
A big fan of this franchise, so who else is a fan?
so rry dont wanted to write much at the moment I wanna sleep lol , so will edit my post tomorrow but you can have your reply
I've heard a lot of good things, and I very much wanted to get into it myself a few years back. I bought Soul Reaver for the PS1, and really enjoyed it. Was never able to finish it though.
I played it long long ago. I don't remember much of the details. I don't thinK I even managed to finish it.
Still I hear about it and I know the game immediately. That prologue will be embed in my head for as long as I live.
I even remember the exact speech!
I know you Raziel You are worthy?
Raziel: What madness is this , what pitiful form that I have come to inhabit , death will be relief after this travisty
its long so i'll skip here hahahaha
U shud finish the whole series it awesome
I never played more than a few minutes of Soul Reaver. Not finishing this game has always bugged me but a lot of games do that to me.
I even remember the exact speech!
I know you Raziel You are worthy?
Raziel: What madness is this , what pitiful form that I have come to inhabit , death will be relief after this travesty
its long so i'll skip here hahahaha
Hahaha this reminds me that I used to think they were saying my spanish name when I was younger.
U shud finish the whole series it awesome
Not to count all the twists the whole series throws at you. They were the hipsters of inception.
I am trying to find the games, but since the first one ends in the middle of the story. I know I'll just want to have the second available.
The second is available in PC and I have downloaded it twice and its a lot of the, there some some different in first abd second, the first once focuses more on puzzle and second one does have puzzles but is more action oriented and second is better you would love it
I rather play both in the same system but if I can't this is good info. Thanks.
No I did not mean platform wise I was talking about the game Soul Reaver 1 and 2 .. I played 1 on PS and 2 on PC