Yes you can. You have to hack. I've seen it done before.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (ALttP)
That's what I ment. You can't get to it without hacks, but the tile is different.
Exactly all I said before. Why would they lock the room from access normally, yet change the tile?
They probably knew someone would hack the game, so they decided to change the tile. At least it's on the VC.
Which is useless for me since I already gots me teh SNES and GBA versions =P
Still, I have the SNES version and I bought all the zelda games out for the VC.
ive never accually made it into the room... :'(
ive tried it before though, on the gba version. maybe thats why i couldn't get in. -
Neither have I, but have seen it for myself. I've just never done it myself.
yeah, apparantly I'm stuck in Ganon's Tower.... assistance?
I've played it before, but then got a new game and forgot to finish it. I think I just got turned into a bunny or something. I should go back to it again.
Edit: lol, killed myself 22 times.
Hey listen! Has any done the 000 challange? When you beat the game without saving or dying.
Quote from spiff
Hey listen! Has any done the 000 challange? When you beat the game without saving or dying.If you did that, kudos to you for staying up 24 hours. Its impossible to do it, unless you say up all night and day. And trust me, I know since I've played and beaten ALTTP.
I love alttp.I just beat it.Died 2 times:p.It is a great game all of the way through.
aLttp is okay. Cool nontheless. I liked to play it in my spare time. For some reason, I always thought the SNES was kinda cool. Well, i like it.
Alttp was a fine game with me. Probaly one of the best. I play it also in my spare time, Just fighting around for fun. But it was great, Had alot of adventure in it.
It's a great game, one of the best SNES classics.
Towns, people which you could actually talk to, side quests. I love it. -
It's a great game, one of the best SNES classics.
Towns, people which you could actually talk to, side quests. I love it.Yeah, The sidequests were pretty fun to do anyways! I like them! They should do a ALTTP 3D
Alttp was just plain awesome. It pwned twilight princess and wind waker by a long shot. One of the best games I've ever played. I liked trying to collect the pendants. How the master sword was hidden in many swords inside of the forest and everything. The enemies were cool too. How you jump in those big altar-like things that are around and the holes to get to fairies and treasure was very cool as well. Great game all around.
I like the ALTTP+4swords better then the origanal one
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