Community Topic V1- Legends never die...

  • You have 67, quite a feat there... I have 620, and after this post 621 i think.

  • Well, in case any of you will notice, I will be gone for a week, starting tomorrow morning. So... bye. *waves*


    But my pig can tell the future!

    I was a mod for one day and all I got was this lousy signature! :D
    (no I'm not mad at anyone please don't accuse me of it plzkthxbai D:)

  • Quote from HGuardian

    Well, in case any of you will notice, I will be gone for a week, starting tomorrow morning. So... bye. *waves*

    Why so soon? And what for? I DEMAND RETRIBUTION!

    I've always wanted to say that last part, and now I have. Mission accomplished.

    Oh, and I failed the test to get my junior's permit today, after spending $125 to take it. Fucking sucks, doesn't it?

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • Quote from Happy Mask Salesman

    Junior permit? Explain what that is please.

    It is the first driving permit you get, called a G1 here. It's a written test to obtain it, like in school. There are two 20 question sections. The first one is about the rules of the road and the second is about road signs. You are only allowed to get 4 wrong on both sections. I got about 6 or 7 wrong on the road rules section and only 3 wrong on the signs section. Ehh... I'll go back next week on Monday (They're closed on weekends), it is only $10 for a re-write.

    A G1 enables you to drive, but you must be accompanied by someone with 4 years of driving experience with a full license at all times.

    After you have a G1 for 8 months with a driving course under your belt, or one year without taking a driving course, then you can apply for a G2. A G2 enables you to drive by yourself, however you can only have passengers who are under the age of 20, with the exception of family members.

    After one year with a G2, you can apply for a full, regular license, called a G license. G stands for general, like regular sized cars, mini vans, pick-up trucks, etc.

    There are other classes of licenses, such as A through F, for emergency vehicles, public transportation such as buses, etc. M is for motorcycles.

    The system for driving obviously differs in every state/province in North America. You should check out the system your state uses.


    Oh yeah, and my mom seriously freaked out on me today...

    We went to the driving test place, but we did not bring my birth certificate or my health card, and we wasted half an hour in line just to get to the desk, so that was a let-down. We went to the car and she was on her phone getting the numbers for a legal document that my aunt needed, so I was writing them down. I missed one number, and she told me that I did, but I knew where it went. I also wrote them down in a messy fashion, however, so I proceeded to re-write them more clearly, and I was going to add that extra number where I missed it, when she literally starts screaming in my face "WRITE DOWN WHAT I'M TELLING YOU!!" Now, all I was doing was re-writing it because it was messy anyways, and I f***ing knew where the f***ing number was going to be, yet she begins to scream her face off at me. After a few more shouts at each other, we left to get the paperwork.

    On the way back home to get the stuff, I kept telling her that I was now flustered due to this, and I didn't want to take the test today. She, however, was not too keen on listening to me, and therefore an argument flared up, and we were both pissed off at each other the rest of the way home. When I got home, she held up the keys in her hand and told me to go into the house, get the stuff, and come right back out. I grabbed the keys from her violently, accidentally hurting her hand with the keys in the process. I went inside, got a glass of grape juice to calm me down, and stared out of the window, breathing heavily. She walked in the door and then this was one of the craziest moment of my entire life: She started screaming at the top of her lungs, "GET IN THE CAR!!!" repeatedly, but I kept screaming back at her informing her of the fact that I was nowhere near in the mood to take the test anymore, but she persisted. She then picked up a container of pills and threw them at me. This was like throwing a toothpick at a brick wall - she obviously cannot throw for s***, and a bottle of pills isn't exactly a heavy projectile for a big guy like me.

    Now, my mom is a 55 year old woman with a back problem, so she obviously can't move as quickly as I can, so she "chased" me upstairs into her bedroom, where I proceeded to call my sister. She picked up the same bottle and threw it at me again, only this time it broke, spilling pills over the floor. My parents have a rather large bedroom with a king size bed, and considering the first sentence in this paragraph, it was actually pretty easy to avoid her by rolling back and forth over the bed, however then she picked up a coaster - made of marble or some other type of stone. Now, that's going to hurt more than a bottle of pills... but when she threw it, she missed, hitting the headboard, and causing it to fall behind the bed.

    While this dodgeball game from hell is unfolding, she's still screaming "GET IN THE CAR!!" every 5 seconds, and my rebuttal is returned with equal ferocity. Now she tried something else: A small statue that was resting on the dresser, made of some sort of heavy material, like clay or something, so it had considerable weight to it. She didn't throw it, but she proceeded repeated attempts to strike me with it. However, this finally ended. I was talking to my sister this whole time, and she said to stop it, so I did, my mom finally calmed down, and placed the little statue back onto the dresser. I finally decided to put my shoes back on and we went to the driving place to take my test, which I failed, so I'm really bummed out about that, but I'll be ready for Monday...

    Such an unbelievably stupid argument.

    Interesting story, huh? :)

    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • Well, then, we have a new Global Moderator! Congrats to... mortuaries! He has been passed the torch from Aronath.

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • Quote from Vaati

    Don't be sad Twistkill. I have a Weird mom too >.>

    I have a very aggressive evil mean power-hungry mother. I think she has horns, but I'm not sure quite yet.

  • Guys, remember that part about retaking the test on Monday? Well, today is Monday, but I did not do it yet - I went with my sister to work for volunteer hours today, and I got some great new clothes (Pics later). I'll be taking it tomorrow, however, so wish me luck!

    I am a huge Soldat fan.