Posts by EarthPhantomTS
Quote from Happy Mask Salesman
I know all my friends passwords for the websites there on, so i can post on the Midna Fan Forum under my friend, i just use a proxy server like http://Http:// to get on.MAN, YOU ARE EVIL! Yet, you are also an idiot for saying that out loud; I could turn you in any minute now...but I won't. I'm not a tattler. Just know you should think these things through before you say them.
Oh, and thanks for the link! Though I doubt I'll use it anytime soon; my college doesn't have rules on which sites I can visit, so it's useless to me right now.
Oh, and no, I'm not banned on any sites. At least, not that I know of. I'll edit if I have to...
I'm quite shy myself, so I don't know how I'll adjust. I'm worried. I think I'm starting to be a bit more responsible, and I feel like I have skills that can make me worthwhile to the world, and I'm becoming a bit more independent, but I don't know whether I can do this. I would do stuff on my own more, but I don't have a drivers license yet, nor is anything within walking distance of my house. I certainly know how to order at a restaurant (Just do it!), and it turns out I have a credit card (low spending limit of course!) though I haven't used it, as well as a checking account, which I have used. ^_^
I kinda do, it's sort of describes what scientists have been going for all these years; the notion that if you knew what the position and state of each particle in the universe is now, you can predict exactly what it'll be 20 years from now, 40 years from now, and so on. Course, the uncertainty principle throws a bit of a wrench into this, as if you try to see what the position and state of a particle is, you must necesarily change its acceleration, thus making the degree of precision you'd need physically impossible to obtain.
It also has some morality components to it, the idea that one person can change the world, for better or worse.
I don't know; part of me believes in God, and part of me finds it hard to believe in anything that damns us if we don't worship it. I just try to be a good person and live my life as best I can, but sometimes...
Oh, and what do you think about all those people who claim it'll happen soon. Like, less than a generation soon. I think they're nuts, myself.
Quote from Twistkill
Why are people consistently afraid to post, especially quites from the Bible or maybe just something silly? We're not going to ban you or anything. In fact, I'd prefer people post controversial subjects - it encourages intelligent discussion.This is why I don't hate Anthorexia Protane. What I don't like about his thread, though, is that he doesn't give any reasons, he just says Love and Hope are the two most evil words in the English language, let me know your feelings and I'll change them. Kind of annoying, if you ask me.
Oh, and no, I don't think there's anything wrong with posting a Bible verse that would disagree with AP.
I've had a bit of a love in high school, but she didn't think of me that way. Or did she? I don't know. What I do know is that she was my best female friend, and she dated my best male friend, but the breakup was rather messy and, yeah, they dislike each other now.
Both of them are gone from my life though, I don't know many people IRL. I am alone...
This is a cool series based off of Mario, Sonic and Dragonball Z, created by one "Alvin Earthworm" (not me). Here's a link to his profile on Newgrounds...just scroll down to his movies, and click on the links and such.
Awesomeness is here!
One Winged Angel: Final boss theme of Final Fantasy VII is basically my theme song. Here, I'll find the lyrics:
English translation:
Burning inside
with violent anger,
Burning inside
with violent anger,
Fate - monstrous
and empty,
Fate - monstrous
and empty,[REPEAT CHORUS]
Come, come, O come,
do not let me die
Come, come, O come,
do not let me die[REPEAT VERSE]
Come, come, O come, (Glorious)
do not let me die (Noble)
Come, come, O come, (Glorious)
do not let me die (Noble)[REPEAT VERSE]
SephirothYeah, that, and get some idea of what I'm like.
That was so bad it was funny. That's basically my reaction.
Quote from Shrukan
Yet she was beaten in the Manga.I like all of the villians in the zelda games. X3
Hey, she was beaten in the game too, but so was everyone else. So that blemish is nothing, since everyone has that on their record.
Let's see...Tingle is the worst! Also, I think the fairies (the REAL fairies) are kind of insulted by his antics...I remember, in a linked game of Seasons, the fairy who gives you "Tingle's secret" tells you to give it to "a man who thinks he's a fairy", which to me, says she was rather insulted.
I like fairies, but I don't scream it to the heavens like he does. Oh, and no, I don't hate Navi. Or Kaepora Gaebora. Again, I rather like fairies, and owls (Blame Link's Awakening...)
Look at my avi...I think you get the point. Veran PWNs all! She's a sexy, evil genius dark mage, who can possess people anytime, anywhere, and even actually USE their abilities! I think I've said enough.
I would be...VERAN! Possessing people, being an evil genius...a SEXY evil genius, and having a slew of other powers would PWN!
And so what if I'm a guy, and she's, well, female? Still would be awesome!
And, yes, Dark Link is the final boss of Adventure of Link.
I voted Oracle of Ages, but Link's Awakening is basically tied for that title. I tried not to let nostalgia get the better of me, because if it did, Link's Awakening would've had my vote, but I wouldn't have a good reason for that. Why do I like Ages? Well, it's quite challenging IMO, it had an interesting storyline, even though it's sorta similar to other games in the series, it manages to expand upon the storyline quite well, as well. It also had some interesting items in the Seed Shooter (let's face it, it's the closest thing to a gun you'll see in the series), and the Magical Rings; it also had some awesome characters (Nayru, Queen Ambi, Ralph, Veran, need I go on? Oh, and did I mention Veran? I did? OK, just wanted to make sure!)
So what if it was just to tide fans off until TWW? Ages still ROCKED MY SOCKS!
Really? I didn't think it was that bad, myself. It maybe could've been better, but I rather liked it. In fact, I was kinda disappointed it ended only after 13 episodes.
Here's an excellent YouTube poop of these games:
Hah hah, I'm laughing thinking about it...but one line of Faces of Evil Link's confounds me; this is the line I'm talking about:
"Link": Gee, it sure is boring around here!
My response: Really, that's something I'd expect from a villain! Doesn't Veran say something like that in the manga? (OoA manga, as if you have to ask) *looks* Yes I believe she does;
Veran: Peace? Prosperity? Those things are the height of boredom!
(as for the reason I put Link in quotes up there, well, I have trouble believing that's the real Link in those games, especially since Ninty publicly disowned those crapfests!)
So, yeah, watch the video I linked, it's quite funny, and takes some of that bad taste out of your mouth...oh, and thinking about Veran makes me hungry, apparently...also makes my mouth water...GO VERAN!!!! Sorry, had to get that out of my system.
Wisdom...if I actually touched the Triforce, that'd be the piece that I'd get. So, yeah.
Also, what Happy Mask Man and Spiff said; wisdom is the key to getting all three. Reminds me of an old riddle...Which would you rather be, healthy, wealthy or wise? The correct answer is wise; being healthy is no good if there's no money to be spent, being wealthy just won't do if you're too sick to spend a cent, but if it's wise you choose to be, you'll find a way to have all three.
It is terrible, yes, but it's not much better for animals stuck in a modern factory farm. I have kind of become...desensitized to animal cruelty, thanks to my despair over how Americans get their meat. That's why I voted "...".
What was the worst game I've played? Well, I'd seriously like to forget I ever owned...brace yourself for heresy...Twilight Princess. Yes, shocking, I know, but I never could find it fun; it was always boring to me. Another game I don't really like that I own is Bubsy's not quite the level of some other peoples nominations, but it had terrible music, quite a few cheap deaths, and is generally in every way inferior to Mario and Sonic (or at least, the old Sonic...why, Sonic, why?). I'm embarrassed to say I used to like that game, before I realized what the definition of "good game" was and saw Bubsy did not fit that definition.
I'm probably going to get shot for saying I didn't much like TP now, so *flees*.
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