• What do you think of dog fighting? 0

    1. It's terrible?! Morons! (0) 0%
    2. How rude. Animals shouldn't be treated like that! (0) 0%
    3. .... (0) 0%
    4. I don't care about DF. (0) 0%

    This disgusts me. Dosen't it to you? I mean, people raise Pitbulls and Rottweilers to fight! They give these dogs a terrible reputaion.
    I was watching animal planet once, and it showed a badly injured Pitbull. The poor thing didn't make it. Why do people do this? Isn't illegal?! People are so mean!!!

    What do you think of this?

  • It's terrible what some people do to animals... they think animals are some kind of lower "sub-human" or something but the truth is they are alive, just as we are and have a perfect right to life.

    I didn't know this existed @_@ thanks for bringing this to my attention @_@

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Terrible! That's how my dog died. it truly should be illegal. :(

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • Dogfighting is illegal. In fact, a very famous football player, Michael Vick, is going to court on July 26th on alleged dogfighting charges. Another article covering this story said that the case may take a long time, however, because there were several people involved, with many witnesses - therefore trying all of the people with these charges more complex.


    I am a huge Soldat fan.

  • ...Ouch.

    My poor little Chihuahua...Piglet...Got attacked by a dog fighter. I was chasing him and I saw him send his pitbull on poor Piggy. I picked up the closest stick and throw it at the Pit. I felt terrible, I hate hitting animals, but I had to. I picked Piggy up and ran away.

    Before the Pit's owner tought his dog dog fighting, his pitbull has super nice. She played with Piggy alot...know she attacks him.

  • Me being indian, These people killed one of the great spirits magnificent creations..... horrible....

    Everything is alive, everything thinks, breathes, loves. and these F***wits waste those things on making Animals kill each other.....


    ( ̄へ ̄)( ̄_ ̄)( ̄- ̄)( ̄o ̄) ( ̄^ ̄)

    Credits to Midna for my sig <3

  • It is terrible, yes, but it's not much better for animals stuck in a modern factory farm. I have kind of become...desensitized to animal cruelty, thanks to my despair over how Americans get their meat. That's why I voted "...".

    Banner by Midna the Imp (MtI); utter pwnage, that New Dawn Graphics
    Look close, my three fav shadows ^^
    98% of the Zelda community like the idea of Link and Zelda together. If your one of the 2% who doesn't, copy this on to your sig and LET'S BRING 'EM DOWN!!!

  • Quote from Midna

    Dog Fighting is becoming more serious. Someone told me that they saw thier poor dog get killed by a dog fighting dog... :(


    Thats horrid.

    ( ̄へ ̄)( ̄_ ̄)( ̄- ̄)( ̄o ̄) ( ̄^ ̄)

    Credits to Midna for my sig <3

  • What is earth coming to? Evil is running amuck and no one does anything about it. People dont even know what dignity means.

  • Dog fighting is a sick, cruel thing.

    Although pitbulls do have a natural tendency to be aggressive, this doesn't help it.

    People are hurting animals and forcing them to fight just to get kicks, or even to bet on which dog will kill the other first. It's sick, but is becoming a problem in the U.S.


    But my pig can tell the future!

    I was a mod for one day and all I got was this lousy signature! :D
    (no I'm not mad at anyone please don't accuse me of it plzkthxbai D:)

  • Quote from HGuardian

    Dog fighting is a sick, cruel thing.

    Although pitbulls do have a natural tendency to be aggressive, this doesn't help it.

    People are hurting animals and forcing them to fight just to get kicks, or even to bet on which dog will kill the other first. It's sick, but is becoming a problem in the U.S.

    wow thats pretty sick

    surely this sort of thing should be illegal >.<

  • Quote from Twistkill

    I already said it is, and I linked to the major scandal about Michael Vick going to court with dog fighting charges. >_>

    How much was he charged for?

  • There's news for this topic: Michael Vick has announced that he will plead guilty to the charges.

    This makes me sort of sad. I always kind of liked Michael Vick, and my brother sort of looked up to him as a player. I'm sure thousands of kids idolized this guy, and now he's in legal trouble for something as serious as dog fighting. I heard a guy on CNN saying that he can probably earn back the public's respect by later supporting the Humane Society and things like that, but his reputation will be surely damaged.

    Let's just hope he truly realizes that what he's done is wrong, and that he doesn't try to do it again.


    But my pig can tell the future!

    I was a mod for one day and all I got was this lousy signature! :D
    (no I'm not mad at anyone please don't accuse me of it plzkthxbai D:)

  • I could be ignorant and say, the dogs that are used for fighting are MADE for fighting, they cannot socialize and stuff, they bite whatever they get their nose pushed against. But that's the cruelty of it all perhaps, lowering yourself to make dogs nothing more than humancontrolled fighthing machines to slaughter eachother just for personal indulgence.

    Sickens me!

    .. _ .. /~_0_~\ .. _ ..
    defy the blackened, enshroud your timidity, destroy the legend, embrace your reality.

    -=!~|I am from beyond your God|~!=-