• I didn't know where to put this. My bad. ^^;

    The love thread! I told ya'll I would make one. *smiles* Now, considering past events, and current ones, you can't but help to think:
    "What has the world come to?"

    Well, in this thread, tell the person above you how much you love them! Or are thankful thier alive! Or appriacte thier esixtence. Break any of my 'love' rules and you'll force me to go buckwild on you.



  • Um......

    You control this site and your Really good at it....

    What if Darkened Courage comes.......i really have a crush on her......
    i shouldn't have said that.

    If you want this type of sig go to:

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • I like stealing pics!!!

    Im glad your alive because you lighten my day.

    If you want this type of sig go to:

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.

  • Glad you're alive, because it is interesting copying your name in the shoutbox... B?ta. Heh. :P

    And yes, what IS the world coming to?

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • I'm glad Steelia's alive because he's a level-headed, mature face on a usually dramatic site.

    But it always makes my day to see him "LOL" at something funny. XD


    But my pig can tell the future!

    I was a mod for one day and all I got was this lousy signature! :D
    (no I'm not mad at anyone please don't accuse me of it plzkthxbai D:)

  • I'm glad Shrukan's alive, Cause without her, This site would be toast :P

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • I admire(?) Twistkill for his ability to turn conversations on their heads... and for also being level-headed himself. :P

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • I enjoy(?) Midna for being herself, and for being a certain peacemaker... Ah, and for her awesome Wind Waker parody. :P

    BIG thanks to Shrukan for the Darkrai sig and Fan banner thing!!
    -Also known as Stelie (in Relosc), and Steelblast (a Decepticon).-

    Quote from Muigi

    [Today 01:46 PM] Muigi: Godzilla could kick that beached-whale monster's ass anyday.

  • I wouldn't lie, spiffy. (n_n)

    I love this guy because wherever he is, he can cheer up the bunch with an amusing joke. He's always a cheery face on a gloomy day. :]


    But my pig can tell the future!

    I was a mod for one day and all I got was this lousy signature! :D
    (no I'm not mad at anyone please don't accuse me of it plzkthxbai D:)