How do you pronounce it?

    • Official Post

    The Zelda universe is filled with its own terms, yet we rarely hear these words pronounced. I've heard like 3 different pronunciations for "Saria".


    Feel free to add more words. Let's see if we pronounce things the same way.

    Lon Lon [Ranch / Milk]

    I'll give mine on the next post to make easier for you to copy and paste.

    • Official Post

    Well Vaati would be pronounced Vaati correct. :p

    Seriously it has to vowels next to each other and a third vowel without two consonants so both a's are long.

    Wouldnt it be V-a-a-ti, do you think nintendo thinks of these dilemmas?

  • Hyrule: High - rule
    Twili - Twih - lee
    Hylian - High - lee - an
    Farore - Fah - roar
    Nayru - Nay - roo
    Din - Din as in... in
    Midna - Mihd - nah
    Nabooru - Nah - bor - oo
    Kotake - Ko - tah - kee
    Koume - Ko - mee
    Darunia - Dah - roo - ni - ah
    Mikau - Mih - kau
    Kafei - Kay - fee
    Termina - Ter - mee - nah
    Lon Lon [Ranch / Milk] - Lohn - Lohn
    Girahim - Ger - rah - him (the "g" I say like "Good")
    Vaati - Vah - tee


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  • Well, i pronuonce all this words like spanish has posible, the "h" in english is pronounced like a "j" in spanish, so the words with h are the only ones I pronuonce with the english pronunciation, so I pronuonce Girahim like "Girajim" in spanish, in english tha would sound like is writed, and something similar hapens with the "y", in the spanish is pronuonced something like "a-y", so, hyrule for example in spanish i pronuonce it like "Jairul" or like the natural sound in english. Another curius thing in the games is the "a" and "y" together, in spanish produces the sound is like "a-e-i", so in spanish i pronuonce Nayru like "Naeiru" in spanish.

    And in french i wuold like to know how all that can be prunuonced, maybe they change some names like they did with pokemon, Jigglypuff is Roundoudou. :confused:

  • Let's see. Not sure if I'm pronouncing these correctly but I'll give em a shot.
    Hyrule - Hi rool
    Twili - twih lee
    Hylian - hi Lee in
    Farore - fa roh ray
    Nayru - not sure if it's Nay roo or nigh roo
    Din - just din
    Midna - might be meed nah
    Nabooru - nah boo roo
    Kotake- ko ta ke
    Koume - ko ooh meh
    Darunia - dah roo nee ah
    Mikau - me kah oo
    Kafei - like café
    Termina- just as its spelled
    Lon Lon - lohn lohn
    Girahim - je Ra him
    Vaati - vah tee

  • I probably pronounce a lot of these wrong, lol. I've never really said or heard a lot of them out loud. Hopefully some of these are right. :P

    Hyrule - high rule - not sure how else this one could be pronounced. :P
    Twili - twee lee
    Hylian - high lee-en
    Farore - Far - roar
    Nayru - nay roo
    Din - din :P
    Midna - mid nah
    Nabooru - nah bor roo
    Kotake - koh tah kay
    Koume - koo-may
    Darunia - dah roo nee ah
    Mikau - me ko
    Kafei - kay fee
    Termina - term in ah
    Lon Lon [Ranch / Milk] - lohn lohn
    Girahim - jer ah him
    Vaati - vah tee


    • Official Post

    Wouldnt it be V-a-a-ti, do you think nintendo thinks of these dilemmas?

    I don't think they do. Or they don't care enough.

    And in french i wuold like to know how all that can be prunuonced, maybe they change some names like they did with pokemon, Jigglypuff is Roundoudou. :???:

    Yeah, well considering how much some names changes a lot between the Spanish and Latin Spanish version (which drives me nuts!) I wouldn't be surprised French names were also different.
    From the Zelda wiki it seems like Germans tend to change the names too.
    You may like this one: SS's characters.

    I probably pronounce a lot of these wrong, lol. I've never really said or heard a lot of them out loud. Hopefully some of these are right. :lengua:

    Hyrule - high rule - not sure how else this one could be pronounced. :lengua:

    At least in spanish it can become a bit cringey for the ones that understand English as it becomes something like E-rul-eh.
    I am now just realising I also pronounce Kafei as Kah-feh-ee.

    • Official Post

    I can`t find that ones, @Kaynil . I guess i`m not searching in the correct place.

    Hmm... this skin doesn't really leave visual clues of links until you hover around the sentence. The last of my answer to you was a link to this page:
    It shows the Skyward Sword character names in Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Korean.

    Groose is quite interesting. His original name is Bado yet in Spanish depending the version is either Vilan or Malton (I don't really like the LA one, it sounds to similar to Veran); his french name is Hergo. German and Italian versions kept the original Bado name. Groose is still my favourite name.

    Anyway back to the original list, I compiled this from what I could find in Zelda Wiki's translations:
    Hyrule: Jap. Hairaru and always translated as Hyrule, since the first game.
    Twili: Jap. Kage no Ichizoku - Shadow Clan
    Hylian: Jap. Hairiajin - Hylian), German. Hylianer, French. Hylien
    Farore: Jap. Furoru; Rest is Farore.
    Nayru: Jap. Nēru ; Rest is Nayru.
    Din: ... No changes.
    Midna: Jap. & French: Midona, apparently rest is Midna.
    Nabooru: Jap. Nabōru, Korean. Nabol, Portuguese and German. Naboru, Italian Naburu. French and English Nabooru.
    Kotake: ... No changes.
    Koume: ... No changes.
    Darunia: Korean: Daerunia, rest is Darunia.
    Mikau: ... No changes.
    Kafei: Jap. Kāfei, rest is same.
    Termina: Jap. Tarumina, Spanish: Términa, rest is the same.
    Lon Lon [Ranch / Milk]: Jap. Ron Ron - Lon Lon, Italian, Spanish and portuguese Lon-Lon (hyphen).
    Girahim: Jap. Girahimu and in Spanish Grahim.
    Vaati: Jap. Gufū; rest is Vaati)

    Probably knowing that twilight are just refered as "Shadow clan" is the surprising one to me and how SS due the Bird theme in naming had some drastic changes to the names to keep that bird naming essence.

  • This is pretty awesome. I like that you actually recorded yourself pronouncing them.
    Now I want to do the same. :XD:
    <-- copycat
    My mexican accent hasn't changed that much so that'd make some of mine odd.

  • I still have the "This is Kaynil, annoying you again!" .WAV file that you made back in ~2002.

    Oh My gosh, I can't believe you still have that clip. Wow... I just realised that is over ten years old now. Great times.

  • I've always been obsessive about saving everything.

    Unfortunately I have so many things saved, that it's sometimes difficult to find a specific thing that I'm looking for. Also, it has become harder to save things as more online activity becomes browser-based.

    But yeah. I've got tons of voice clips from back then.

  • Hyrule: High - rule
    Twili - Twih - lee
    Hylian - High - lee - an
    Farore - Fah - roar
    Nayru - Nay - roo
    Din - Din as in... in
    Midna - Mihd - nah
    Nabooru - Nah - bor - oo
    Kotake - Ko - tah - kee
    Koume - Ko - mee
    Darunia - Dah - roo - ni - ah
    Mikau - Mih - kau
    Kafei - Kay - fee
    Termina - Ter - mee - nah
    Lon Lon [Ranch / Milk] - Lohn - Lohn
    Girahim - Ger - rah - him
    Vaati - Vah - tee
    Saria -Sa-reé-ah

    Interesting enough I pronounce these like most other people ^^

  • Hyrule -High- Rule
    Twili - Twy liy
    Hylian: High - Lee on
    Faror - Fa Rawr ee
    Nayru - Nēy roo
    Din - Dên
    Midna - Meed Neah
    Nabooru - Nah bore oo
    Kotake - Ko ta rake
    Koume - Coo me
    Darunia - Dah roo na
    Mikau - Milk now
    Kafei - Café
    Termina - Term- In- AH
    Lon Lon Ranch/ Milk - Lawn Lawn Ran-CH or Lawn Lawn Mailk
    Girahim - Ger rah Ah screw it.
    Vaati - Vah tee...
    Saria - Sar reé ah

    That's how I mostly pronounce things... jesus we should see how everyone pronounces Pokémon names.....